Travel trouble
“Rushing to catch the metro in Moscow I tripped on the steps and nearly fell headfirst. Two people caught me and helped me to the train, while a guy on the train put his foot in the door to stop it closing. Then a young man got up and gave me his seat. In my experience of living in Russia for many years, such kindness to strangers is commonplace there.” – Andrew, Australia
“I was recently travelling by tram and bus, looking at Google Maps on my phone, and evidently appearing lost and confused, when a very friendly man came up to me and said: “Put that away and talk to a human.” That instant of human connection made all the difference to my journey and my day. The phrase ‘Talk to a human’ will live with me for a long time. And I’ll try to put it into practice as often as I can.” – Claire, Brighton, UK
On important days
“I got lost on the way to a family meeting to scatter my father’s ashes. A stranger talked to me calmly, gave me directions, and made me repeat them back to him to make sure I had understood them. I got there in time and have never ever forgotten him, even 25 years later.” – Jennifer, London, UK